Course curriculum

Introduction To Self Awareness

    1. Welcome!

    2. Learning Journey

    3. Self-Awareness Quiz

    1. What is Self-Awareness?

    2. Your Tasks

    3. The Importance of personalisation

    4. Your Tasks

    5. Starting Point

    6. Your Tasks

    1. Introduction To The Values Exercise

    2. How To Complete the Exercise

    3. Your Tasks

    4. Explore More

    1. Introduction To The Motivating Factors Exercise

    2. How To Complete The Exercise

    3. Your Tasks

    4. Explore More

    1. Introduction To The Balance Exercise

    2. How To Complete The Exercise

    3. Your Tasks

    4. Explore More

    1. Introduction To Goal Setting

    2. How To Complete The Exercise

    3. Your Tasks

    4. Explore More

Introduction To Self Awareness

  • £75.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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